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Trump Promises to Withdraw USA from Trans-Pacific Partnership in First Days of His Presidency

Tuesday, 22 November 2016 15:40

In his first days of presidency, US President-Elect Donald Trump will issue a decree to start the procedure of US withdrawal from Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) agreement, The Observer reports.

It is reported in his speech, in which he shared his plans for the first days of his presidency, BBC reports.

According to Trump, TPP poses a “potential catastrophe for USA”. He spoke out for the conclusion of bilateral trade agreements, which should replace TPP and which will allow returning industry and jobs to the USA.

He also told that “on the first day of his office” he will give an order on restricting state regulation in different spheres, order the Department of Labour to initiate investigation of violations of visa issues as well as cancel restrictions for production of hydrocarbons, including shelf deposits.

“I will cancel restrictions, killing jobs, in the area of energy production in the USA, including energy resources on the shelf and coal, thus creating millions of highly paid jobs, - Trump said in his speech. – This is what we want, what we are expecting for”.

According to Trump, one of his first decrees will be aimed at protection of vitally important infrastructure from cyberattacks.

In addition, he said that he will introduce for public officials a five-year ban on lobbyism in the USA and lifetime – on lobbyism on behalf of foreign governments.

The withdrawal from TPP is one of the key items of Trump’s pre-election program. The Republican consistently states that this pact is extremely unprofitable for Washington.

The Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement was concluded in this February after seven years of negotiations and was considered as the cornerstone of trade policy of the incumbent US President Barack Obama.

The trade pact stipulates the full cancellation of customs duties for the goods and services in the Asian-Pacific region. The agreement on TPP creation was signed by 12 countries: Australia, Brunei, Vietnam, Canada, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Peru, USA, Singapore, Chile and Japan.

Previously Prime Minister of Japan Shinzo Abe claimed that the agreement on creation of Trans-Pacific Partnerships without US participation will not have any sense. “The fundamental balance will be disrupted”, - Prime Minister of Japan said. 


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