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US Criticizes Russia’s Plans to Place Iskanders in Kaliningrad

Tuesday, 22 November 2016 15:38

US Department of State encourages Russia not to place Iskander and C-400 missile complexes in Kaliningrad region, as it will destabilize the European security, BBC reports.

“Russia issued threats to place their missile complexes, such as Iskander, in Kaliningrad region during the last decade as the response to many events in Europe, neither of which required such military response”, Official Representative of US Department of State John Kirby said.

“We encourage Russia to keep from words and actions, which are not aimed at ensuring safety and stability in the region”, he added.

Previously Chairman of the Defense and Security Committee of the Federation Council Victor Ozerov claimed that in response to deployment of missile defense systems in Europe, Russia will strengthen its air defense systems in the western area.

According to him, this strengthening includes the placement of C-400 and Iskander missile complexes in Kaliningrad as well as the creation of new formation in the Western and Southern military districts.

Iskander Tactical Ballistic Complex can be fitted with nuclear-armed missiles.

Previously Russia already claimed about deployment of Iskanders at Kaliningrad, however until now it was done during routine exercises. Until now, Moscow did not openly associate these steps with NATO actions, which Kremlin considers as the strengthening of the military presence at their western borders. 

On Monday, President of Russia Vladimir Putin said that NATO facilities, which pose threat to Russia, will be the targets for attacks of Russian missiles. 

“When the country becomes NATO member, it becomes difficult for it to resist pressure from such large NATO’s leading country as the USA, and everything, whatever one likes, may easily appear there: ballistic missile defense systems and new bases, and, if needed, new attack complexes”, Putin said.

“And what should we do? We should undertake countermeasures, i.e. target those facilities, which, in our opinion, start posing threat to you”, the Russian leader claimed, adding that the existing situation stresses him out.  


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