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WSJ: USA Becomes Pure Exporter of Natural Gas

Monday, 28 November 2016 15:51

By the year 2020, the USA can become the third largest exporter of liquefied natural gas in the world. From 2010, the export volume of this energy carrier increased twice in the country.

The export volume of natural gas from the USA exceeded its import for the first time for 60 years, DW reports, quoting The Wall Street Journal.

The edition refers to the information of US analytical company S&P Global Platts, according to which this month the USA exported, on the average, 210 mln cubic meters of natural gas per 24 hours and imported about 198 mln cubic meters.

Since 2010, the gas export in the USA increased by 50 percent. According to Citygroup estimates, by the year 2020, the export of the liquefied gas will make up the fifth part of annual consumption of this energy carrier in the world. US Department of Energy forecasts that by that time the country will become the third largest exporter of the liquefied natural gas in the world after Australia and Qatar.


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