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China Returns Captured Unmanned Navy Drone to USA

Tuesday, 20 December 2016 16:16

The drone was returned after “friendly consultations”, - Correspondent.net reports.

The USA confirmed that the unmanned drone, which was captured by China in the South China Sea aquatorium, was received back, The Associated Press reports.

“After friendly consultations between China and the USA, the underwater US drone was transferred in South China Sea on December 20”, according to the message in the Ministry of Defense of China.

The drone was transferred not far from its capture – near Philippines.

In its turn, the USA encouraged China to follow the principles and regulations of international law, freedom of navigation and flights in South China Sea.

As Correspondent.net reports, on December 15, northwestward from U.S. Naval Base Subic Bay on Philippines, the Chinese naval vessel found the unidentified equipment in the South China Sea aquatorium.

During the examination, it became clear that it is the US unmanned underwater vehicle from the oceanographic research ship Bowditch.

It was reported that China will return the USA the unmanned vehicle, however US President-Elect Donald Trump claimed that the USA should not accept that drone from China. 


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