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Amazon Intends to Create More Than Two Thousand New Jobs in Kentucky

Wednesday, 01 February 2017 15:56

The world largest online retailer Amazon intends to create more than 2 thousand new jobs in Kentucky, according to company release, RIA News reports.

Currently, the company staff in Kentucky comprises nearly 10 thousand full-time employees in 11 fulfilment centers. «Today, the company announced about creation of new jobs and investment in Kentucky; the plans include the construction of centralized air hub for the growing park of Prime Air cargo airplanes. When it opens, the company plans to create more than 2 thousand new jobs», - as reported in the release.

Previously, in January, Amazon shared its plans to employ more than 100 ths full-time employees in the USA within the nearest year and half. Thus, the company staff in the USA will increase from 180 thousand in 2016 to more than 280 thousand in mid-2018.

Previously, the German chemical and pharmaceutical company Bayer AG also shared its plans to increase the number of employees in the USA. The company invests 8 billion dollars in expansion of its business and creation of new jobs in the United States.

The fiscal policy, declared by US President Donald Trump, stipulates the introduction of new measures on economic stimulation, in particular, increase of budgetary expenses and reduction of taxes, which should speed up the inflation and increase FRS interest rates. In addition, Trump promised to create additional employment in the country.

Amazon is one of the world largest online retailers. Besides the USA, the company works in Canada, China, Brazil, Japan and Europe. The online store Amazon.com was launched in July 1995.

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Чем бы она не являлась, тема требует изучения и законодательного регулирования - 20.8%
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