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Google Sues Uber over Driverless Auto Technology

Friday, 24 February 2017 18:25

The companies, associated with Google and Uber, can meet in court due to charges with stealing driverless car technologies, BBC reports.

Waymo (Google associated division for the development of self-driving cars) filed the lawsuit against Otto (Uber’s subsidiary company) to the San Francisco Federal Court.

Waymo charges Otto with stealing 14,000 files, containing confidential documents and proprietary designs.

This refers, in particular, to the sensor system of the self-driving car.

According to the claimant, Anthony Levandovski, who was one of the directors of the self-driving car project in Google and then the co-founder of Otto, stole these data.

“We think that these actions were premeditated”, according to Waymo’s statement. The firm supposes that the stolen data allowed its competitors to develop the car sensor system in the shortest possible time.

According to Reuters, Waymo demands to prohibit Uber from using these disputable technologies as well as reimburse the inflicted damage (its amount is not revealed).

“We take seriously the charges, pressed against Otto and Uber employees, and will thoroughly study the situation”, as said in Uber comments, sent to France Presse agency.

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