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IBRD to Help Kazakhstan to Implement Social Medical Insurance

Wednesday, 19 April 2017 17:23

The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development will help Kazakhstan to implement social medical insurance, RK Minister of Healthcare Yelzhan Birtanov informed, presenting the draft law on Ratification of the Loan Agreement (the project of social medical insurance) between the Republic of Kazakhstan and International Bank for Reconstruction and Development in Majilis of the RK Parliament, the correspondent of Kazinform IIA reports.

“The main task in the healthcare sphere is the implementation of social medical insurance. The growth of financial expenditures in this system requires strengthening of the work in this sphere. The ratification of the Loan Agreement was approved in accordance with the Order of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan and this Agreement is subject to the ratification by the Parliament. The amount of loan is USD 80 million. The amount of co-financing by the Republic of Kazakhstan is 10 million. The rate of return is 2.3 percent; the maturity period is 15 years, including five-year grace period. The date of loan maturity is 30 June 2021”, E. Birtanov said.

According to the minister, the main purpose of the project is to increase availability of the social medical insurance system. As part of the project, the significant support was provided in formation of the Unified National Healthcare System. The project consists of three components. The first is the support of national system of social medical insurance. The second is the provision of assistance for implementation of social medical insurance. The third is the project management, monitoring and assessment of informational and communicational strategy, the explanatory work with population.

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