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U.S. Found out That RF Still Interfered with Presidential Elections 2016

Thursday, 05 October 2017 17:44

Chairman of Senate Select Committee on Intelligence Richard Berr is confident that Russia still attempted to affect the outcome of U.S. presidential elections in 2016, Ukrainian News reports quoting The Washington Post.

As per the committee’s version, Russia carried out hacker attacks and ran campaign on influencing the elections. However, the commission has not reported investigation findings yet.

On Wednesday, the directors of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence largely approved the findings of intelligence community that Russia attempted to impact U.S. elections in 2016 through hacking and impact campaign, and they encouraged to have more aggressive and comprehensive approach to ensure that the future elections are not compromised.

“The members and the staff have consensus that we trust the findings of intelligence”, Chairman of the Committee Richard Berr said, meaning the message of intelligence community, saying that Russia is behind the hacker attacks of the National Committee of Democratic Party and Hillary Clinton, campaign chairman John Podesta, and the attempts to use public opinion, planting false information.

Berr also said that the “question of conspiracy is still open” and will not be solved until the committee’s work is done. He said that the deadline for the committee is the upcoming beginning of the main season of 2018.

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