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U.S. Prepares for Repelling Major Cyberattack

Friday, 12 January 2018 17:04

Pentagon calls the expected attack as the ‘terabyte of death’.

The representative of U.S. Department of Defense said that Pentagon observes the growth of the number of cyberattacks against its networks and is preparing for repelling a major cyberattack, RIA News reports. 

While delivering speech at the conference in Virginia on Thursday, January 11, U.S. Army Lieutenant General Alan R. Lynn, the Director of Defense Information System of the Department of Defense, noted that several years ago, the size of such cyberattacks was 1-2 gigabytes and was then considered to be large.

“Now, we have 600-gigabyte attacks on internet access points and unique, different methods of the attack, about which we did not think earlier”, the general emphasized. 

He specified that Pentagon is ready to repel larger attacks against its systems, which have 3.2 million users.

“We would call it “the terabyte of death”; there is a “terabyte of death”, which is already on the threshold. We are ready for it; that is why we know that it will be”, Lynn said.

In the meantime, the message of U.S. Department of Defense does not specify from which countries the attacks were or will be carried out.

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