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Ukraine is Preparing to Enforce Payment of Gazprom’s Debt

Thursday, 29 March 2018 17:23

Currently, Ukraine is preparing to enforce the payment of Gazprom’s debt according to the ruling of Stockholm Arbitration Court, based on New York Convention, which allows collecting these funds virtually all over the world, Minister of Justice Pavel Petrenko reported during the briefing, UNN correspondent reports.

“Today, Gazprom is accrued the penalty for default on debt according to the ruling of Stockholm Arbitration Court, which is half million dollars for each day. In addition, currently, Ukraine is preparing to enforce this ruling, based on New York Convention, which allows us to collect these funds virtually all over the world”, he noted, giving comments on the situation.

Meanwhile, as Petrenko specified, the Ministry of Justice continues collection from Gazprom as per the ruling of the national Ukrainian court.

“For now, over UAH 100 mln were collected to the state budget. I am confident that Gazprom does not have any chance of escaping responsibility, and the amount of the debt, which was fixed by this court ruling, will only increase and will be fully collected in the near future”, Minister of Justice noted.

According to Petrenko, Gazprom hides its head in the sand, but the other part of body remains on the surface, and these are the assets and property, which Gazprom has all over the world.

“Currently, Gazprom also loses in terms of the value of the company itself, because they manifested themselves as not bona fide counterparty to those European companies, with which they have contracts. I am confident that it is just a matter of time, and the amount, which will increase, will surely be collected in favor of Ukrainian Naftogaz and budget”, he summarized

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