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Trump Accuses Amazon of Tax Underpayment

Friday, 30 March 2018 16:27

On Thursday, March 29, U.S. President Donald Trump accused the internet company Amazon of tax underpayment, he wrote in Twitter, Finance.ua reports.

“I expressed my concerns regarding Amazon long before the elections. Unlike other companies, they pay little or do not pay taxes at all to U.S. state executive authorities. They use our postal services as the delivery boy (what causes huge damages to the United States) and make thousands of retailers close”, Trump wrote.

It should be reminded that the large companies with significant digital income in the European Union, such as Google and Facebook, may face 3% of tax for its turnover as per the proposed project of the European Commission.

Such U.S. firms, as Uber, Airbnb and Amazon, also may suffer from the new tax, which will be applied in 28 EU countries.

The large technical companies are accused by the large EU states of paying too few taxes in the block, repeatedly redistributing the part of its profit to the countries with low-tax jurisdiction, such Ireland and Luxemburg

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