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U.S. Wants to Legislatively Defend Special Counsel on Russian Case

Friday, 13 April 2018 16:55

Amid concerns that U.S. President Donald Trump will dismiss Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein or Special Counsel Robert Mueller, the Democrats and some outstanding Republicans started to make appeals again on adoption of legislation for protecting the continuing investigation of statements about the conspiracy between Russian and Trump election staffers, UNN reports quoting ABC News.

The suggested measure would allow any special counsel to request accelerated judicial review of any dismissal that can later be cancelled while preserving the materials of investigation.

On Thursday, Republican senator Chuck Grassley, Chairman of Legal Committee of U.S. Senate, stated that his committee will consider and vote for a new two-party draft law on defending Mueller and his investigation on April 26, though the dispute with the senator Dianne Feinstein regarding introducing amendments to the document can affect its consideration, the edition writes.

On Wednesday, Member of the House of Representatives and Democrat Adam Schiff stated he develops legislation, which will require that the reports on the investigation of special counsel’s team be delivered to the Congress in case of Mueller’s resignation.

Mueller should prepare the report about his conclusions to Rosenstein upon the completion of its investigation.

It should be reminded that CNN reported that White House prepares the “orders”, called upon to disturb confidence in Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, who oversees Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation of Russian case. According to the edition, within the last few days, several Trump’s allies already encouraged on TV or in public speeches to dismiss Rosenstein.

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