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Department of State Comments on Apprehension of Director of RIA News-Ukraine

Wednesday, 16 May 2018 16:12

U.S. Department of State emphasized that the decision on such apprehensions should be taken in accordance with the law.

Spokesperson for U. S. Department of State Heather Nauert commented on the situation with apprehension of the director of RIA News-Ukraine Kirill Vyshynsky, she told at the briefing on May 15, Correspondent.net reports quoting RIA News.

“The apprehensions of journalists and searches in mass media should be conducted with observance of the law that also includes observance of international human rights legislation. We take such actions seriously”, Nauert noted.

Meanwhile, she emphasized that Washington understands the concern of Ukraine and many other countries about active propaganda.

It is noted that the Department of State had difficulty in answering the question whether U.S. and Ukraine’s government discussed possible searches in the editorial offices of Russia’s mass media and apprehensions of journalists.

It should be reminded that on May 15, SSSU conducted searches in the offices of RIA News-Ukraine. The agency’s director Kirill Vyshynsky was apprehended. He was served with charge papers on the treason.


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