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Seizure of Gazprom’s Assets Will Affect Transit – RF

Wednesday, 06 June 2018 16:59

RF government adversely reacted to the seizure of Gazprom’s assets.

The actions of the Ukrainian have an adverse effect on further negotiations on gas contracts, Novak said, Correspondent.net reports.

The measures, undertaken by Naftogaz of Ukraine on enforce collection of $2.6 bln form Gazprom, discourage the solution of the question on extending the time of gas transit through Ukraine, Minister of Energy of Russia Alexander Novak said, Interfax-Ukraine reports.

“Gazprom works on the right side of the question that is why, of course, in our opinion, those measures, which today Ukrainian colleagues undertake on debt collection, do not lead to positive decision of this question in respect of further cooperation and future discussion of the situation, related to gas supplies to Ukraine, with transit etc. That is why we consider that such actions have an adverse effect on for further partnership relationships. And we see that from European countries, which want that these relationships be regulated, there is some surprise that today it happens so”, the Russian Minister said.

Meanwhile, he admitted that RF government can consider the question of supporting Gazprom due to the seizure of its assets, but only after legal consultations.

“Today, there is the ongoing legal work toward the process, which was launched. And when the lawyers conduct the respective evaluation, and the recommendation are given, then we will be able to speak more specifically”, he said.

The other day, the press office of Naftogaz informed that the court seized Dutch assets of Gazprom for payment of $2.6 bln to Ukrainian company in accordance with the ruling of the Stockholm Court of Arbitration.

Gazprom stated that it will be able to explain the situation after receiving and studying documents on this case.

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