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Elon Musk Remains Tesla CEO

Wednesday, 06 June 2018 17:04

The shareholders voted against the proposal to remove Elon Musk from the chairman of the board of directors of Tesla, Voice of America reports.

Musk said that the previously set goal to assemble 5 thousand cars of Model 3 per week by late June is "very likely".

According to him, currently, the assembly capacity of the company is already about 3.5 thousand.

"These were the most painful, hellish few months in my life, but I think we are close to the goal," Musk, said speaking at Tesla’s annual meeting of shareholders in Mountain View, California.

These words were said after the shareholders re-elected three directors and voted against the proposal to remove Musk from the position of CEO of the company.

"We assemble cars in Tesla with love; in many other companies, they are created without a soul, by marketing or finance departments. We are not perfect, but we are investing our heart in this business, and we do care," Musk said.

The CEO of the company assured investors that he expects profits already in Q3 and Q4 of this year. He also promised that "very soon" he will announce about the construction of Tesla plant in Shanghai, which is currently under negotiation with the Chinese government.

I should be reminded that in Q1, 2018, received a record loss in its history - 710 million dollars. And this happened despite the fact that during the same period of 2017, the losses amounted to 330 million dollars, and during the whole last year - 1.4 billion dollars.

Currently, 2270 cars of Model 3 are coming off the assembly line, and for Tesla’s profitability, it is necessary to produce 5,000 cars of Model 3 weekly.

A couple of weeks ago, Musk reported that the production of these cars was stopped for five days at two plants to upgrade equipment.

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