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Ripple Invests 50 Mln Dolars in Scientific Studies of Blockchain Technologies

Wednesday, 06 June 2018 16:58

Ripple announced that it will allocate millions of dollars for financing university studies in blockchain and cryptocurrencies.

The studies will be conducted as per the initiative of University Blockchain Research Initiative (UBRI), which will combine 17 universities from the whole world, cjmonitor.com reports.

Ripple states that the company intends to allocate over 50 million dollars as well as “technical resources” for funding the first stage of the work. Meanwhile, all institutions can independently determine the topics of their studies.

The company also stated that they strongly welcome the efforts, aimed at “stimulating the understanding” of the essence of blockchain technology, as well as are ready to help in developing new study programs and thus “open” the technology for students.

Within the initiative, they already started working in the Center for Information Technology in Princeton on the program, which studies the impact of cryptocurrencies and blockchain technologies on U.S. policy all over the world.

UBRI also participates in fintech initiative in the Laboratory of Computer Sciences and Artificial Intelligence in Massachusetts Technology Institute. The studies deal with blockchain, cryptocurrencies, cybersecurity and international payments.

Except for U.S. universities, the educational establishments of Australia, Brazil, Canada, Europe, India and South Korea will participate in the project.

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Чем бы она не являлась, тема требует изучения и законодательного регулирования - 20.8%
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Это не уменьшит числа разводов, но заставит отцов подходить к вопросу ответственно - 26.7%
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