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U.S. Prepares New Tariffs for Chinese Goods

Wednesday, 11 July 2018 16:32

U.S. administration plans to introduce additional tariffs for Chinese goods, totaling $200 billion a year, United States Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer said, DW.com reports.

According to him, the additional 10% duty will be levied on the imported Chinese products. At the same time, Washington sources emphasized that that the list of goods is not yet final, as the White House intends to listen to experts' opinions. The entire procedure should take about two months.

Thus, the trade conflict between two countries may become even more acute. As U.S. President Donald Trump said last week, the United States can aggregately levy 500 billion dollars a year on the Chinese products. It is about the same as the cost of all U.S. imports from China.

Trump repeatedly accused China and other exporting countries of trade policy, which incurs U.S. losses. Among other things, Trump criticized the surplus in profit that China allegedly makes. Beijing denies Trump's accusations.

Even during his election campaign, Donald Trump promised to correct the "imbalance in global trade", for which in the White House he set a course towards the abolition of free trade and the introduction of protectionism.

On July 6, U.S. tariffs against China came into force. The customs tariff, amounting to 25 percent, now applies to 818 Chinese goods items worth $34 billion. Cars, aircraft construction elements and hard drives are among the goods that fall under tariffs.

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