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General Electric Produces First Locomotive for Ukraine

Wednesday, 11 July 2018 17:07

At the plant in Pennsylvania (U.S.), the first locomotive of GE Evolution series was produced in accordance with the framework agreement between Ukrzaliznytsya and General Electric Transportation,
CEO of UZ Evgeni Kravtsov wrote on his Facebook page.

According to him, the arrival of the first GE Evolution locomotive in Ukraine is expected by sea in August, and their further completion will take place at Kryukov Car Building Plant.

"This is really a new quality of traction rolling stock, which our country did not have, and the lot, which General Electric will deliver in cooperation with Ukrainian enterprises, is the largest in independent Ukraine. I hope that 30 locomotives will be only the beginning of cooperation between Ukraine and the United States and between Ukrzaliznytsya and General Electric, and in the coming years we will be able to renew the entire rolling stock of the company”, Kravtsov said.

It should be reminded that the agreement between Ukrzaliznytsya and GE for about $1 billion provides for renewal and modernization of its traction rolling stock. At the first stage, it is planned to deliver 30 ultrasonic diesel locomotives. At the same time, 10% of the components of production must be localized in Ukraine. Subsequently, the locomotives will consist of not less than 40% of Ukrainian components. The cost of locomotives is $ 4.7 million for each. In general, the contractual amount of the first lot is $ 140 million.

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