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Trump: NATO Countries Will Increase Defense Spending

Thursday, 12 July 2018 16:09

U.S. President could not specify the exact figures, but he noted that NATO will receive 33 billion dollars of additional funding.

NATO member states negotiated the increase of defense spending, U.S. President Donald Trump said on Thursday, July 12, during the press conference within NATO Summit in Brussels, CNN reports.

“For years, U.S. President arrived here and we talked about defense spending. Now, we agreed to increase spending to those levels, which we never had before. However, the spending of different countries significantly decreased; now, it will increase”, Trump noted.

He emphasized that now, only 5 out of 28 countries fulfill their obligations, but it will change.

“Their obligations were 2 percent. We assess future figures, but now we speak about 33 billion dollars of additional funding, except for U.S. U.S. fulfill its obligations to NATO, but NATO countries will spend additional money. NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg will give this figure, these figures, which we never had before”, he said.

It was reported that the leaders of Alliance member states conducted a special meeting, convoked upon Trump’s request. During this meeting, U.S. President repeated the thesis about necessity of NATO members to spend at least 2% of GDP on the defense, and in future – 4%.

Media reports also indicated that Trump threatened with U.S. withdrawal from NATO, unless the allies increase their defense spending.

“I think that I can, but there is no need in it. People increased their contributions; and it is by 33 bln more than previously”, Trump said, responding to the question about a threat to withdraw from Alliance.

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