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Johnson&Johnson Lost Court Action for Almost Five Billion Dollars

Friday, 13 July 2018 16:41

The company denies accusations of polluting its products with asbestos and rigging test results.

Missouri State Court (U.S.) ruled on a case over presence of asbestos in J&J talc products. The jury decided that the company should pay 22 claimants $550 mln of compensation for material damage and over $4 bln for moral damage, Bloomberg reports.

The company was mainly accused of the fact that it did not warn women about ovarian cancer risks as the result of using its products for intimate hygiene.

Johnson&Johnson denies accusations of polluting its products with asbestos or rigging test results. The company stated that the court ruling will be appealed.

“It is the result of the fundamentally unfair proceeding, which allowed the claimants to represent the group of 22 women, most of whom did not have any relation to Missouri, stating in one case that the ovarian cancer developed in them”, Carol Goodwich, the press secretary of Johnson&Johnson, said.

“The evidence in the case were just overloaded by prejudice”, she added.

Previously, Johnson&Johnson already lost several proceedings over J&J talc. The largest fine on this case was $417 mln. It was paid to the woman, who claimed that she had the ovarian cancer after using J&J talc products.

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