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Microsoft Files Lawsuit against US Government

Friday, 15 April 2016 16:28

The company presses charges against US government on violation of the Constitution, Correspondent.net reports.

Microsoft files lawsuit against US government with the requirement to provide the right to notify its customers if it provides authorities with the access to their e-mail. It is noted in the lawsuit that the access to user accounts without their notification violates the Constitution of the country.

According to Microsoft data, for the last year and half 5624 requests for data, almost half of which was related to court decisions and obligated the company not to notify clients about access to their accounts, were received.

Microsoft notes that government seeks access to electronic communications more often than physical documents.

“People reserve their rights, when they transfer their personal information from physical storage device to electronic”, - the company’s claim says.

In February the US court obligated Apple to help investigators to obtain access to information from the telephone of Syed Farook, who perpetrated shooting in Californian San-Bernardino.

Apple refused to fulfil requirements. Large internet companies, including Twitter, AIrBnB, Ebay, LinkedIn and Reddit, officially supported Apple’s position in dispute with FBI.

17 companies signed the joint expert opinion, due to which the parties, not participating in court proceedings, but interested in its outcome, can express their opinion.

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