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HP launches its own cloud OS

Friday, 14 June 2013 15:53


HP Cloud OS presented in Las Vegas

Hewlett-Packard at HP Discover in Las Vegas presented its original operating system, designed specifically for cloud computing. At the first stage of sales HP Cloud the OS will be distributed only in addition to other products company, reports CyberSecurity.ru.

Hewlett-Packard claims that Cloud OS «will provide the foundation for our common architecture for the HP converged cloud». The company says they already offer their commercial customers access to cloud platform in the company's datacenters. The objective of Cloud OS is to create a similar cloud platform in the datacenter of the user to allow a quick and easy data transfer from their own datacenter to the HP cloud or vice versa.

According to HP, currently estimated 75% of enterprise workloads will run across hybrid cloud, or a combination of on-premises cloud systems and public hosted services

HP Cloud is available on HP Cloud System, a set of HP systems configured for offering in-house infrastructure services tuned for specific workloads. Later this year Cloud OS will come installed on Moonshot ARM-servers, recently announced by HP.

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