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Hackers Attempt to Obtain Data of US Voters of More Than 10 States

Thursday, 29 September 2016 15:52

The US states should ensure security of their election systems, as currently the hackers are “digging” them, FBI Chief said, DW reports quoting CNN and two sources in law enforcement authorities.

The hackers attempted to hack into voters’ registration systems in more than ten US states. The investigators consider that Russian cybercriminals are behind this.

US Federal Bureau of Investigation Chief James Comey confirmed the new attempts of hackers to hack into voters’ databases, despite the previously reported attacks in Illinois and Arizona, however he did not specify the exact number. In addition, he informed about the hackers’ interest in US Senate Judiciary Committee. Comey added that states need to ensure security of their election systems, because the hackers are “digging” them.

Previously 18 US states asked the US Department of Homeland Security to assist in protection of their computer voting systems from cyberattacks during the presidential elections on November 8. In August, the US Federal Bureau of Investigation reported about the hacker attacks on voters’ databases in Arizona and Illinois.

On September 28, it also became known that FBI conducts the case about the attempt to hack into mobile devices of members of the US Democratic Party. According to Reuters, the investigators requested permission from potential victims to copy the content of their mobile phones for examination. The Russian government sponsored hackers may be involved in the attacks, the interlocutors said to the agency.


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