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US Citizen Accused of JPMorgan Hack Sought Asylum in Russia

Wednesday, 12 October 2016 15:47

US citizen Joshua Samuel Aaron, wanted for data theft of 100 mln clients of JPMorgan Chase, seeks political asylum in Russia, but he was denied, Forbes.RU reports quoting TASS agency and the source in law enforcement.

 “The US citizen, which is anticipating deportation for violation of migration legislation in the detention room for foreign citizens,  asked to grant political asylum, because in the USA he will face 170 years in prison”, the interlocutor explained.

According to him, Russia denied to grant political asylum to US citizen, whereupon he appealed against this denial.  Therefore, currently the decision on his deportation to USA has been suspended before the court delivers the relevant judgement on his appeal and it comes into force.

The source added that after the apprehension Aaron explained the need in asylum with his health condition, however the provided documents did not satisfy the court, the agency reports.

Previously Bloomberg reported that Aaron, who is charged with cyberattacks on JPMorgan in the USA, was apprehended in Moscow in May and is currently in the detention room for temporary arrest of foreign citizens. In addition, according to the agency, he was fined 5000 rubles for violation of Russian visa legislation. Bloomberg noted that now there are ongoing negotiations between his attorneys and US authorities on his return to homeland. The relevant agreement can be reached by the end of the month.

According to US authorities’ information, Aaron and Gery Shalon And Ziv Orenstein hacked into the database of JPMorgan Chase in summer 2014. They are imputed with data theft of more than 100 mln clients from JPMorgan Chase and other companies. In general, the persons named dealt with securities fraud and money laundering since 2007 until mid-2015, the investigators consider. According to the data of US authorities, they used obtained information for fund manipulations, thanks to which they illegally obtained hundreds of millions of US dollars.


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