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MEDoc Will Be First to Install Unique Way of Protection from Viruses – Mass Media

Friday, 29 September 2017 17:50

When in June 2017, the hackers, supposedly connected with Russian intelligence services, attacked Ukrainian companies, the popular accounting software MEDoc, which state and private companies actively used, became their first victim. Now, MEDoc will be the first to test a completely new anti-hacker protection system, Igor Kozachenko, ROMAD’s CVO and former director of State Center for Cyber Protection and Cyber Threat Countering at Special Communications and Information Protection Service, told Obozrevatel, Ukrainian News reports.

“They guaranteed strong protection. One of the elements of protection is ROMAD EDR – provided by our company solution for protection of end users. It is a software of Next Generation Endpoint Protection and Response (NGEP) class, which allows protecting AWS (automated workstation) from malware through a new level of cyber protection”.

The expert explains that the software provides real protection from the so-called “zero-day” threats. In addition, MEDoc took additional measures not to let hackers to get at company’s servers.

“The security policy of the whole infrastructure of the company was reviewed and supplemented”, Kozachenko says.

According to him, it is required to continue searching and implementing security solutions, which can provide protection from modern threats. As the practice showed, the standard antiviruses failed to solve the problem of protection due to the archaic nature of structure of their software.  

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