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US in UNO: Russia’s Interference in Elections – War

Friday, 20 October 2017 17:35

Nikki Haley stated that RF acts this way all over the world, using interference as a weapon.

United States Permanent Representative to the United Nations Nikki Haley stated that the interference of one country into elections of other states is the method of war and a weapon, which Russia prefers, Correspondent.net reports quoting Politico. She made such statement during the discussion of George Bush Institute on October 19.

“When the country can interfere with elections in other country, it is a war”, Haley emphasized.

“We see that not only here, look at France and other countries. They do it everywhere, it is their preferred weapon”, US Permanent Representative noted.
He also stated that Russia should be held responsible for “interference” in U.S. internal affairs.

“It seems to me, it is noteworthy. The Russians say why Americans are against Russia, why they imposed sactions? Do not interfere with our elections, and we won’t be anti-Russian. I think here we should be very tough”, Haley said.

It should be reminded that in late September, U.S. strengthened sanctions against Russia.

As Correspondent.net reported, FBI and some Congress Committees conduct investigation regarding RF interference with U.S. presidential elections, and in May 2017 the special advisor was appointed for investigating Trump’s ties with Russia.

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